The 29th EAJRS Conference
(G)localizing Japanese Studies Resources
organized by
Centre for Asian Studies of Vytautas Magnus University
Kaunas Lithuania
12-15 September 2018
Wednesday 12 VMU Small Hall (S. Daukanto st. 28, 2nd floor) |
08:30- | Registration |
09:15-09:45 | Opening
09:45-10:00 | Kosaka Masashi (National Diet Library) Announcement NDL |
Session 1 chair: Willy Vande Walle |
10:00-10:30 english |
Marandjian, Karine (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) New replenishment of the IOM RAS manuscript collection of Japanese manuscripts and block-printed books |
10:30-11:00 english |
Shchepkin, Vasilii (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) Private collections of Japanese old books at IOM RAS: how can they contribute to Japanese studies? ロシア科学アカデミー東洋古典籍研究所所蔵の私的コレクションとその日本研究に対する貢献 |
Coffee break | |
Session 2 chair: Willy Vande Walle |
11:30-12:00 english |
Koyama Noboru (Cambridge University Library, retired) The fate of the Japanese embassy library, Berlin immediately after World War II 第二次世界大戦直後のベルリン日本大使館図書館の命運 |
12:00-12:30 english |
Tsuda Mayumi (Keio University) Pedersen, Merete (University of Copenhagen) How to make uncatalogued Japanese collections accessible: about a collection in Copenhagen 日本関連資料の死蔵を防ぐ : 在コペンハーゲン資料をめぐって |
12:30-13:00 english |
Mühleder, Peter (University Library Leipzig) Hoffmann, Tracy (University Library Leipzig) Video games as a resource in Japanese Studies |
Lunch break | |
Session 3 chair: Akira Hirano |
14:30-15:00 english |
Hata Yuki (Nagoya University) Yasui Mihiro (Nagoya University) "Kuzushi-ji seminar" by Japanese young researchers: for a building a network of Japan humanities research in Europe 日本人若手研究者による「くずし字セミナー」の実践―西欧日本学研究ネットワークの形成のために |
15:00-15:30 japanese |
Kikkawa Hideki (Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) 明治期~昭和期刊行博覧会・展覧会資料のオープン・アクセス化事業 The project to make Japanese exposition and exhibition materials published from the Meiji to the Showa open access |
Coffee break | |
Session 4 chair: Akira Hirano |
16:00-16:30 english |
Santchi, Stephanie (The British Museum / University of Zurich) Challenges of building a multilingual web resource on Hokusai 北斎に関する多言語データリソースの構築にあたっての課題 |
16:30-17:00 english |
Ryndová, Jana (The National Gallery in Prague) Osaka prints in the collection of the National Gallery in Prague プラハ国立美術館所蔵の大阪版画 |
17:00-17:30 english |
Gaudekova, Helena (Beverley Art Gallery – East Riding of Yorkshire Museums) Showcasing Japanese art and craft collections from East Yorkshire Museums |
18:00- | Reception: Lobby of the Big Hall (Daukanto 24) |
Thursday 13 VMU Small Hall (S. Daukanto st. 28, 2nd floor) |
Session 5 chair: Nadia Kreeft |
09:00-09:45 | Miyazawa Akira (National Institute of Informatics) Research resources and standardization: in the digital age |
09:45-10:15 english |
Fuse Rie (University of Helsinki) What are "Japanese studies resources" for Finnish students learning Japanese? 日本語を学ぶフィンランド人学生にとって「日本資料」とは何か |
Coffee break | |
Session 6 chair: Nadia Kreeft |
10:45-11:05 english |
Didvalis, Linas (Vytautas Magnus University) Digitalization of learning resources at the Center of Asian Studies, Vytautas Magnus University |
11:05-11:20 english |
Takagi Kayako (Vytautas Magnus University) A report of utilization of library resource for Japanese language class activity in Vytautas Magnus University 日本語授業における図書館資料を用いたクラス活動の実践と課題:ヴィータウタス・マグヌス大学の取り組み |
11:20-11:40 english |
Švambarytė, Dalia (Vilnius University. Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies) History of Japan in Lithuanian: the role of textbook in the setting of university classroom |
11:45-12:45 |
Introduction of the activities of the Centre for Asian Studies (video) Grigaitė, Rosita (Vytautas Magnus University) Japanese studies resources in Vytautas Magnus University Library Visit to the University's Asian Books Space (Donelaičio 52, 2nd floor) |
Lunch | |
Session 7 chair: Naomi Yabe Magnussen |
14:15-14:45 japanese |
Ryu Hyeonsook (University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Arts) リュブリャーナ大学の東アジア資料室の紹介と展望 Introduction and prospects of the East Asia Resource Library at the University of Ljubljana |
14:45-15:15 english |
Zhivkova, Stella (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski) Nikolova, Vyara (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski) E-globalization or e-localization in studying Japanese language 日本語習得過程におけるE-グロバリゼーションとE-ロカリゼーション |
Coffee break | |
Session 8 chair: Naomi Yabe Magnussen |
15:45-16:15 english |
Masunaga Shingo (University of Turku) Combination of JACAR and foreign primary sources: case of the research on the interwar Japanese military intelligence in the Baltic states JACAR史料と海外の一次史料の融合:戦間期バルト三国における日本陸軍諜報網の研究における事例 |
16:15-16:35 japanese |
Oono Taikan (National Archives of Japan. Japan Center for Asian Historical Records) 杉原千畝関係資料の紹介とアジア歴史資料データベースでの資料検索方法について Introduction to searching the JACAR database with a discussion of Chiune Sugihara related documents |
16:35-17:00 english |
Kumpis, Arvydas (Chiune Sugihara Memorial Museum in Kaunas) Reading room in Chiune Sugihara memorial museum: issues and prospects of specialized library 杉原千畝記念館の読書室。専門図書館の問題や見通し |
17:00-18:15 | Screening the documentary: カウナス スギハラを、日本を想う (Japanese-Lithuanian) |
19:00- | Traditional dinner: Senieji rūsiai |
Friday 14 Putvinskio st. 23-103 |
Session 9 chair: Kaoru Baba |
09:00-90:30 japanese english |
Egami Toshinori (Nichibunken) 国際日本文化研究センターにおける国際ILL/DDSの新サービス : 課題と展望 New activity of international ILL/DDS by International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) : challenges and the future |
09:30-10:00 english |
Flache, Ursula (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. East Asia department) About the difficulties of sending books from Japan to the GDR – the Ōtsuka collection of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – one of the thematic portals of CrossAsia 日本からドイツ民主共和国(旧東ドイツ)への書籍送付にまつわる困難について―CrossAsiaトピックス・ポータルのひとつ、ベルリン国立図書館所蔵大塚文庫― |
10:00-10:30 japanese |
Ozawa Takashi (National Diet Library) 日本の官庁情報の調べ方 How to search for administrative information in Japan |
Coffee break | |
Session 10 chair: Nobutake Kamiya |
11:00-11:30 japanese |
Gotō Makoto (National Museum of Japanese History) Shibutani Ayako (National Museum of Japanese History) Ishitsuka Masateru (National Museum of Japanese History) 国立歴史民俗博物館の総合資料学システム「khirin(Knowledgebase of Historical Resources in Institutes)」と日本の「デジタルアーカイブ」の現状 System of integrated studies of cultural and research resources “khirin (Knowledgebase of Historical Resources in Institutes)” by the National Museum of Japanese History and status of “digital archive” in Japan |
11:30-12:00 english |
Wagner, Cosima (Freie Universität Berlin) Developing research data management services for Japanese studies in the library: a project report 図書館における日本学科研究データ管理サービスの開発 : プロジェクトレポート |
Lunch | |
Session 11 chair: Izumi Tytler |
13:30-14:00 japanese |
Fujimura Ryoko (National Institute of Japanese Literature) Matsubara Megumi (National Institute of Japanese Literature) Yamamoto Kazuaki (National Institute of Japanese Literature) 歴史的典籍NW事業における日本古典籍のデジタル化コレクションとその利活用 Digitized collection of pre-modern Japanese works and its use on the NIJL-NW project |
14:00-14:30 japanese |
Ueno Tomoki (National Institution of Informatics) NIIワークショップ NII workshop |
Session 12: Resource providers workshop (Putvinskio st. 23-414) | |
14:30-17:30 |
Board meeting | |
Saturday 15 Putvinskio st. 23-103 |
Session 13 chair: Akira Hirano |
09:00-09:20 japanese |
Ogiso Toshinobu (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) 『日本語歴史コーパス』 ver. 2018.9 “Corpus of historical Japanese” ver. 2018.9 |
09:20-09:50 english |
Colta, Ioan Paul (Complexul Muzeal Arad / West University of Timișoara) Kuchi-e woodblock prints and the late Meiji literature. Case study: the collaboration between Kaburaki Kiyokata and Kyōka Izumi |
Coffee break | |
Session 14 chair: Izumi Tytler |
10:15-10:45 english [japanese] |
Kornicki, Peter (University of Cambridge) The first Japanese books to reach Europe? 十七世紀にヨーロッパへ届いた日本書籍について |
10:45-11:15 english japanese |
EAJRS Conservation/Preservation Working Group (Kamiya Nobutake (Universität Zürich), Yasue Akio (Preservation consultant)) Williams, Kristin (Cambridge University Library) Preserving Japanese rare books in Europe 在欧和古書の保存
11:15-12:30 english japanese |
General assembly
Lunch | |
14:00- | Excursion: Sightseeing Kaunas by bus and on foot: old town and Sugihara route |
The 29th EAJRS conference has been made possible by generous support from the following organizations:
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