Adventures in bibliography

On 8 August 2015 (15.30-17.00) Dr Ellis Tinios will deliver the keynote lecture for this year’s Graduate Summer School in Japanese Early-modern Palaeography. held at Emmanuel College in Cambridge (UK). The title of his keynote lecture is: "Adventures in bibliography: exploring Edo-period book histories". For details please visit

NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushiji 2014 Workshop at University of Oxford: details

Dear friends and colleagues,
Further to our preliminary call for participation in the NIJL/EAJRS kuzushiji workshop scheduled for March 2014, herewith are further details of the workshop.
The goal of the workshop is to gain practical knowledge of, and first-hand experience in the reading of hiragana-majiribun of the Edo period, at intermediate level.

NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushiji 2014 Workshop at University of Oxford

Dear friends and colleagues,

Following the successful series of NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushiji workshops held in Oxford, Leuven, Zurich, Bonn, and Paris respectively, we are now planning to hold a second Oxford workshop at intermediate level, using歴史資料 as texts. The workshop will be led by Prof Yuichiro Imanishi (Director of the National Institute of Japanese Studies), supported by Prof Koichi Watanabe (NIJL,日本近世史、アーカイブス学専門). This is a preliminary call for participation for those interested. Please make a note in your diary.

Date: 24th - 26th March 2014

Abstract: Hasegawa Masako (2009)


フランス国立ギメ東洋美術館図書館と和古書コレクション:三人の収集家、今泉雄作、ポール・サヴァティエ、アンリ・リヴィエール。 1879年、ギメ博物館は設立者エミール・ギメの出身地であるリヨンでオープンした。さまざまな理由から、パリに移転され、1889年に国立ギメ東洋美術館として再オープンした。 ギメの構想では、「思想の工場」たるべく宗教博物館を設立することであった。そのため図書室は建物の中心、すなわち円形ホールに作られた。1876年に日本での宗教調査で持ち帰った仏教書などが核となる和古書コレクションは、図書館開館以来、収集家たちの寄贈や遺贈で充実してきた。

なかでも、ギメのリヨン時代に仏教書の翻訳などで貢献した今泉雄作の仏教書のコレクション、幕末に横須賀造船所の海軍医官として日本に滞在したP.A.L. Savatier の本草学関係のコレクション、印象主義とジャポニズムのはざまにあって、日本の木版画から強く影響をうけたHenri Rivière の浮世絵版画のコレクションは特筆に価する。

Abstract: Shyu Shing-ching (2009)



Abstract: Hayashi Rie (2009)

Mission of the International House of Japan Library

The International House of Japan is a private, non-profit organization incorporated in 1952 for the purpose of promoting cultural exchange and intellectual cooperation between the peoples of Japan and those of other countries. The library was opened in 1953 and since then it has been working to support Japanese Studies academics and information specialists in Japan as a specialist library for Japanese Studies. We would like to introduce its history and services to colleagues overseas.

Abstract: Utsumi Yasuko (2009)



