Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
(1) Bibliographic ID List updated
The open dataset of bibliographic information of NDL's digital collections and the open dataset of the list of identifiers (IDs) which collate bibliographic data in different databases have been updated.
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
(1) NDL User Satisfaction Survey of FY2022
From May 6 to October 31, 2022, we are now conducting a user satisfaction survey of FY2022. Your ideas and opinions are important to our library and will help us provide you with the best library services possible.
URL of the user satisfaction survey of FY2022
Dear Colleagues,
The National Diet Library recently held a webinar entitled Libraries and UN SDGs: IFLA supporting the libraries to achieve the SDGs, in which IFLA President Barbara Lison talked about the IFLA's strategy, examples of initiatives taken by libraries in some countries, and international cooperation from the perspective of achieving the SDGs.
A video of the webinar is now available on the NDL’s YouTube channel.
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings again from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
We would like to introduce three updates regarding NDL services.
(1) Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion)
The NDL made approximately 500 sound recordings of the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion) available for streaming online as of Feb 25, 2022.
event's poster
Dear colleagues,
You are invited to participate in a free webinar, “Libraries and UN SDGs: IFLA supporting the libraries to achieve the SDGs” by president of the IFLA, to be held on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 16:00-17:20 pm (JST/UTC+0900).
The 17th Forum on the Collaborative Reference Database Project
The Collaborative Reference Database (CRD) is a tool for providing reference services at the National Diet Library, Japan (NDL), that is currently being developed in collaboration with libraries throughout Japan. At present, the database comprises about 150,000 questions that were submitted to reference librarians throughout Japan and which, together with their answers, are available to be browsed by the general public.
Gallica : une stratégie de développement pour créer de nouveaux usages
Samedi 19 mars 2022, de 9h à 11h (heure en France)
2022年3月19日(土)17:00-19:00(日本時間 heure au Japon)
*Avec traduction simultanée
... voir les détails ...
「フランス国立図書館(BnF)の電子図書館 Gallicaの利活用促進・創出戦略」
2022(令和4)年3月19日(土) 日本時間17:00-19:00(フランス時間同日9:00-11:00)
*日仏同時通訳付き *要事前登録
NDL is looking to improve its websites(NDL Search, NDL Online, and Research NAVI). They have asked me to comment and have an online meeting about international Japanese studies, so I would be very happy if you could participate in the survey below (by 31th Jan.).
Questionnaire about NDL Websites: NDL Search, NDL Online, and Research NAVI - Google フォーム
NDL(BC) 2012101-4-25
December 14, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
Please see our recent poster which features our library’s services regarding Japanese studies, displayed on the following JSA-ASEAN 2021 Website.
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL) of Japan.
We are now conducting a user satisfaction survey for FY2021. Your ideas and opinions are important to our library and will help us provide you with the best library services possible. Please fill out this survey.
From May 6 to October 31, 2021
URL of the user satisfaction survey for FY2021