The European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS) is an association of international character, formed with the purpose of promoting and fostering, by every available means, the development and dissemination of information and resources on Japan available to Europe. To fulfill these aims, the EAJRS holds an annual conference, and performs, supports and promotes other related activities and initiatives.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Japanese resources. Membership is free of charge. To become a member, simply send an email indicating so to the secretary of the association:

Current board of the EAJRS

  • Willy Vande Walle, University of Leuven (chairperson)
  • Kaoru Baba, Collège de France
  • Rie Fuse, University of Helsinki
  • Akira Hirano, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
  • Yoshinori Ichikawa, Maison du Japon
  • Nobutake Kamiya, Universität Zürich
  • Naomi Yabe Magnussen, University of Oslo
  • Izumi Tytler, retired (University of Oxford)
  • Arjan van der Werf, University of Leuven (secretary)

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